How to Use Connected TV for Direct Response Strategies

You CAN achieve direct-response performance on Connected TV (CTV).  

If you work with the right partner who can guide you in the right direction. 

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to create your strategy and offer a few pro tips to follow. 


Before you start marketing in any medium, you should establish your goal:  

  • Do you want to attract new shoppers? 
  • Are you focusing on existing customers? 
  • Is your goal to tackle the entire funnel? 


You’ll need to know if you are prospecting or retargeting users on CTV. 


Next, work on your key demographics. What are their interests? What do they purchase? 

Once you’ve developed the profile for your ideal customer, you can match it to the demographics for performance TV, such as location, general demographics, interests, and purchase history. 

If you’re running a retargeting campaign, insights like multiple visits, viewed pages, high-priced products, and items added to cart are very helpful behaviors to focus on. 


The creative for your CTV ads should perform two critical functions: 

  1. Tell users what to do. What is your Call-to-Action for the ad? Is it “shop,” “browse,” “watch”?  
  2. Tell users where to go. Make the URL easy and memorable, like, or 


If your budget is tight, consider reusing existing creative assets from other channels. 

When developing creative for retargeting, you have the freedom to be more aggressive in your language and visuals since this audience is further along the sales funnel. 

Create a sense of urgency with a sale or offer a buy one, get one deal to get leads who are familiar with what you do to pull the trigger and buy.

Keep it going 

Ideally, your CTV direct-response prospecting and retargeting campaigns should always be running to fill the top of the funnel and convert users at the bottom of the funnel. 

Follow these keys to help your brand get noticed by new prospects and convert existing leads into customers. 

If you need help starting your CTV strategy and implementation, talk to our expert team!